SEW List


The SEW List window is used to view wage and employer information for a person known to the Nebraska Department of Labor.

See also:

SEW Overview


Case Person Group Box:

Name: This field displays the first and last name of the person.

SSN: This field displays the Social Security Number of the person.

Sex: This field displays the gender of the person.

Birth Date: This field displays the date of birth of the person.

Year Drop Down Box:

Year: From the drop down list, select the tax year for which SEW information was reported. The system will retain ten quarters of information on-line. Older quarters will be purged to an archive file quarterly. Call N-FOCUS Production Support when access to archived information is needed.

Employee Group Box:

Name: This field displays an abbreviated name of the person who received the wages being reported.

SSN: This field displays the Social Security Number of the employee who received the wages being reported.

SEW List Box:

Del: This field displays a ā€œDā€ code if the line of information has been deleted from the Department of Labor records.

Quarter: This field identifies the three month period of time the earnings amount was paid according to the employer identified in the Employer Field.

Employer: This field displays the name of the employer who paid the earnings to this person.

Earnings: This field displays the amount of earnings paid.

Date Recvd: This field displays the date the wages were reported.


employer The Employer button opens the SEW Employer Detail window.
image\quarterly_summary_shg.gif The Quarterly Summary button opens the SEW Quarter Summary window.

