Medicare Buy-In List


The Medicare Buy-In List window opens when the MBI icon is selected on the Interface menu.  The window is used to view the Medicare Buy-In information sent to and returned from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS).

See Also:

Medicare Overview

How Do I:

View Medicare Buy-In List


Case Person Group Box:

This box displays the person data from the N-FOCUS record.

Name:  This field displays the person's name.  (First, MI, Last, ext.)

Person Number:  this field displays the Agency Related Person number assigned to the person by the N-FOCUS system.

SSN:  This field displays the person's social security number.

Sex:  This field displays the person's gender.

Birth Date:  This field displays the person's date of birth.

Medicare Buy-In Input List Box:

This box displays the records sent from N-FOCUS to CMS

Type:  This column displays the type of Medicare coverage (Part A and or Part B).

Processing:  This column displays the date the request was sent to CMS.

Transaction:  This column displays the kind of transaction requested and the code number of the request type.

:  The open icon is available when a Input line is highlighted.  Select the icon to open the Medicare Buy-In Input Detail window or double click on the line.

Interface Medicare Response List Box:

This box displays the records returned from CMS to N-FOCUS

Type:  This column displays the type of Medicare coverage ( Part A and or Part B).

Record Type:  This column displays type of record received.

Reply Date:  This column displays the date we received the record from CMS.

Transaction:  This column displays the kind of transaction received from CMS.

:  The open icon is available when a Response line is highlighted.  Select the icon to open the Detail Interface Medicare Response window or double click on the line.

