The Detail Interface Medicare Response window displays the Medicare
Buy-In details returned from CMS. The
window is opened when an response line is highlighted on the Medicare
Buy-In List window and the open icon is selected
or the line is double clicked.
This window if for inquiry only.
How Do I:
View Detail Interface Medicare Response
Case Person Group Box:
This box displays the person data from the N-FOCUS record.
Name: This field displays the person's name.
Person Number: This field displays the N-FOCUS Agency Related Person number assigned to this person.
SSN: This field displays the Social Security Number for this person.
Sex: This field displays the person's gender.
Birth Date: This field displays the person's birth date.
Interface Medicare Response Box:
This box displays the information received from CMS
Transaction: This field displays the type of transaction received from CMS.
Claim Number Box:
Medicare: This field displays the claim number for this record.
CMS Medicare: This field may display a cross-reference claim number.
Record Box:
Record Type: This field displays the type of response record received.
Processing Date: This field displays the date the response was processed.
CMS Box:
Reply Date: This field displays the date the CMS created the response.
Additional Date: In most situations this field will be blank. However, for certain transaction codes a date will be furnished in order to provide a more comprehensive response.
State Input Data Box:
This box displays the person information sent to CMS.
Last Name: This field displays the person's last name.
First Name: This field displays the person;s first name.
MI: This field displays the person's middle initial if they have one.
SSN: This field displays the person's social security number.
Sex: This field displays the person's gender code.
Birth Date: This field displays the person's birth date.
Person Number: This field displays the person's N-FOCUS Agency Related Person number.
CMS Box:
This box only displays when CMS sends a Personal Characteristics Change (E). The field shows the new CMS data for the person.
Last Name: This field displays the person's last name.
First Name: This field displays the person;s first name.
MI: This field displays the person's middle initial if they have one.
SSN: This field displays the person's social security number.
Sex: This field displays the person's gender code.
Birth Date: This field displays the person's birth date.
Premium Billing Period Box:
Start Date: This field displays the beginning date used in the calculation of the refund or premium amount due for this transaction. (The billing period start date and the billing period stop date are inclusive dates.)
Stop Date: This field displays the last date used in the calculation of the refund or premium amount due for this transaction. (The billing period start date and the billing period stop date are inclusive dates.)
Premium Monthly Rate Box:
Current: This field displays the current monthly Part A or Part B Medicare premium rate.
Part A Surcharge: This field displays a YES if the person has a 10% surcharge on the Part A benefits due to late enrollment and a NO if they do not.
Reduced: This field displays the amount of the monthly premium reduction. This is the amount of the reduction,not the new premium rate.
Reduced Part A: This field displays a YES if the person has a reduced Part A premium amount and a NO if they do not.
Premium Box:
AMOUNT DUE: This field displays the amount of the premium due.