Marriage - Current Record Details


The Marriage - Current Record : Details Tab opens when the certificate number is double clicked on the Search By Name or Search By SSN window.  The information is received from the Department of Vital Statistics as shown on the wedding record.

See Also:

Record Details


Certificate Number:  This box displays the number on the birth certificate.

Interface Received Date:  This box displays the date the certificate information was received by the N-FOCUS system.

Bride Box:

Name:  This field displays the bride's first and last name.

Maiden Name:  This field displays bride's name before the marriage.

SSN:  This field displays bride's social security number.

Birth Date:  This field displays bride's date of birth.

Race:  This field displays bride's ethnicity.

County:  This field displays bride's county of residence.

Address:  This field displays bride's address.

Groom Box:

Name:  This field displays the groom's first and last name.

SSN:  This field displays groom's social security number.

Birth Date:  This field displays groom's date of birth.

Race:  This field displays groom's ethnicity.

County:  This field displays groom's county of residence.

Address:  This field displays groom's address.

Marriage Date:  This field displays the date of the marriage.

Place of Marriage:  This field displays the city and county where the couple got married.

Filing County:  This field displays the county where the marriage license was filed.

Marriage License Number:  This field displays the number of the marriage license.


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 Select the Close box in the upper right hand corner of the window to close the VS web site and return to N-FOCUS.
