Sort Organization Resolution List


The Sort Organization Resolution List window is used to sort the list of existing organizations with the same EIN and / or SSN on the Organization Resolution List window by criteria listed in the Organizations Existing in N-FOCUS list box.  Up to 3 criteria can be used to organize the list.


Sort by Group Box:

Column 1 Row 1:  Select the sort criteria for the first sort.

Column 2 Row 1:  Select the order for the sort.

Column 1 Row 2:  Select the sort criteria for the second sort.

Column 2 Row 2:  Select the order for the sort.

Column 1 Row 3:  Select the sort criteria for the third sort.

Column 2 Row 3:  Select the order for the sort.


 Select the OK button to begin the sort process.
 Select the Clear button to remove the sort criteria selection and remain on the window to enter a new set of criteria.
 Select the Cancel button to close the window without sorting and return to the Organization Resolution List window.
