This window is accessed by clicking the SSA Amounts button on the SSA List window. The SSA Amounts window displays information for the Current Month (month of request ) and previous three months (current month minus one, or two or three). Each month shows the same information.
Note: The Social Security claim number is not displayed.
Name: The name of the person for whom the SSA information was received.
SSN: The SSN for the person for whom the SSA information was received.
Ongoing Monthly Benefit Amt: The amount of the ongoing monthly benefit received by the person for whom the information was received.
Ongoing Payment Suspended: This field will indicate if the Ongoing Payment has been suspended. Y or N
Ongoing Monthly OP Deduction Amt: This field will indicate the amount of the Over Payment (OP) Deduction.
The following information is provided for each month displayed.
Income Month Year: The month and year the income was received.
Benefit Amount: The amount of the benefit.
OP Deduction Amt: The amount of the OP Deduction.
Net Monthly Benefit Amt: The net monthly benefit amount received for the indicated time frame.
Returned Check Amount: If the check was returned to the SSA, this field will indicate the amount of the returned check.
Payment Suspended: This field will indicate if the payment was suspended. Y or N
Prior Month Accrual Amt: This field will indicate the prior month accrual amount.
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