The IUC Benefit window displays detailed information about the person's Unemployment Compensation benefits.
See also:
Benefit Detail Group Box:
Benefit Filed: This field displays the date the person filed for unemployment benefits. This date is used by the Department of Labor to determine the base period for this claim.
Benefit Reopened: This field displays the date the person's benefits were reopened (if previously closed).
Waiting Week Start: This field displays the date that the waiting week began. Benefits are not payable for this week. If the person received income, the waiting week may begin the following week. If the person had a disqualification period, the waiting week begins after the disqualification ends.
Refused Work: This field displays a Y or N to indicate whether the person refused a job to which s/he was referred by Job Service.
Liable State: This field displays the state responsible for payment of the claim. Out of State IU Claims.
Program Types Group Box:
Program Type: Select the type of IUC benefit, Regular or Extended, to view information for each type.
Total Amount: This field displays the total amount of unemployment benefits the person is eligible to receive. This should be equal to the “Paid to Date” plus “Balance Due” fields.
Paid to Date: This field displays the total amount of benefits that have been paid on this claim.
Balance Due: This field displays the total amount of benefits that remain on this claim.
Weekly: This field displays the weekly entitlement amount of unemployment compensation.
Entitlement Period Group Box:
This box displays the period during which the person is eligible to receive benefits.
Benefit List Box:
More than one check may be issued for the same week ending date if an Adjustment check was issued.
Gross Amount: This field displays the gross unemployment payment allotted for the person.
Check Date: This field displays the date the check is mailed (a Monday) from the Department of Labor to the person.
Week Ending: This field displays the date (Saturday) at the end of the week from which the benefit payment is based
Status: This field displays the status' of the benefit payment as assigned by the Department of Labor.
Check Amount: This field displays the net amount of the benefit check.
Tax Withheld: This field displays any Federal Withholding tax amount withheld from the benefit payment.
Child Support: This field displays any Child Support payment withheld from the benefit payment.
Earnings: This field displays the amount of recent earnings counted against the client's UC benefit that may result in benefit reduction.
UC/OP: This field displays the amount being withheld from the benefit payment for a past IUC overpayment.
Out of State OP: This field displays the amount being withheld from the benefit payment for a past overpayment claim from another state. The amount of the overpayment will not be inserted into the Expert System Unearned Income task. A determination of fraud or non-fraud must be made for Food Stamp eligibility. If non-fraud, the worker needs to enter the Adjustment amount in the Unearned Income task.
Soc Sec: This field displays only history information because the DOL no longer deducts the amount of Social Security benefits.
Pension: This field displays the amount of Pension payment that is counted against the client's UC benefit that may result in benefit reduction.
Other: This field displays any other types of unearned income received by the client that are counted against the client's UC benefit that may result in benefit reduction. These types include severance pay, workman's compensation, retirement, training, pension lump sum, bonus, disability, and sick pay lump sum.
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