This window displays detailed information about the vehicle selected on the List Vehicle window.
Vehicle Information Group Box:
VIN: This field displays the Vehicle Identification Number of the vehicle.
Type: This field displays the type.
Year: This field displays the year of the vehicle.
Make: This field displays the make of the vehicle.
Model: This field displays the model of the vehicle.
Style: This field displays the style of the vehicle.
Color: This field displays the color of the vehicle.
Title Information Group Box:
Number: This field displays the number of the vehicle title.
Type: This field displays the type of the title.
Issued Date: This field displays the date the title was issued.
County: This field displays the county the title was issued in.
Date Acquired: This field displays the date the title was acquired.
Odometer: This field displays the odometer reading.
Address: This field displays the address on the title.
: Click
this button to view the Title Owners information.
Registration Information Group Box:
Plate Number: This column displays the license plate number.
Date Issued: This column displays the date the license was issued.
Exp Dt: This column displays the date the license will expire.
Type: This column displays the type of license.
Series: This column displays Series information.
: Click
the Maximize button to enlarge the field.
Insurance Filings Group Box:
Policy Number: This column displays the number of vehicle insurance policy.
Insurance Company: This column displays the name of the insurance company.
Exp Dt: This column displays the expiration date of the policy.
County: This column displays the name of the county the policy was issued in.
: Click
the Maximize button to enlarge the field.
: Click
this button to view the name(s) of the policy holders.