Sort Person Tracking List by


The Sort Person Tracking Record List by window is used to sort the list of Person Tracking Records on the List FCRO Person Tracking window by the criteria selected on this sort window. If the sort A to Z Sort A to Z icon is used to open the window the list will be sorted in ascending order. If the sort Z to A Sort Z to A icon is used to open the window the list will be sorted in descending order.


m Last Name/Adoption ID: Select this radio button to sort the list by the person's last name or the Adoption identifier.

m First Name: Select this radio button to sort the list by the person's first name.

m SSN: Select this radio button to sort the list by the person's Social Security Number.

m Birth Date: Select this radio button to sort the list by the person's date of birth.

m Sex: Select this radio button to sort the list by the person's gender code.


OK Select the OK button to sort the list by the selected criteria.
Cancel Select the Cancel button to close the window without sorting the list.
